COMPETITORS.. if your 'coach' is charging you around $150/session (or any amount for that matter) and tells you that they are not only a 'developing trainer' but that they 'don't know much about what happens the last couple of weeks before the show'... YOU ARE BEING RIPPED OFF!!!!!!
It makes me so angry that these poor competitors are putting all their trust in 'trainers' (and I'm being kind) who don't even know what they are doing with standard training let alone comp prep!!!
How can a 'trainer' straight out of a PT course possibly know what the hell they are doing with comp prep?! SERIOUSLY!!!
When you are searching for a comp prep coach ask the questions:
1. The most important question - have you competed yourself and how many times? A 1st time competitor does NOT make a comp prep coach.
2. How long have you been in the industry?
3. How many competitors have you taken to the stage?
4. How many placings have you had with your competitors?
5. What qualification do you have to prescribe specific diets?
Ask to see competitors folio or photos of some kind. Don't be intimidated by their sales talk and just take their word for it.
These questions must be asked. You are spending a considerable amount of money to compete and just like anything else, you want QUALITY prep by specialists in the field, so don't be taken for a ride because you don't know. It's like anything - shop around and ask the questions to make sure you are getting a quality service.
And competitors, know that in reality a Certificate III and IV in Fitness makes neither a Master Trainer NOR a Competition Prep Coach.